Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fuckwits Ruin it for the Rest of Us

The Lemonade Stand, like every job, has a series of requirements best called operational needs. This includes making sure there's enough people to staff the stand, as well as enough people to help the stand do what the stand is there to do - serve lemonade.

I work with some fuckwits who simply refuse and seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to leave these tasks for others to do. I'm nowhere near perfect. I abdicate tasks when I'm having a lazy moment, or I don't feel well, or I want to chat a bit. But I'm not habitual. I recognize when I'm slacking off, and at some point I believe I make up for it. Most of the time, at least.

But I hate working with people who have this sense of entitlement and circumvent the little dreary tasks that need to get done. Nike was right - just do it. It's got to be easier to - in Texas slang - get er done than it is to avoid the work. I work with one guy who actually giggles when you ask why he didn't make more lemonade when we ran out. Giggles. A thirty-something straight man who can't come up with an excuse so he uses a nervous girly laugh instead.

Do the fuckwits not understand that it's a lemonade stand, not a desk job. Most of it is working with customers, doing work to prepare the stand for customers, putting stuff out to entice customers - this stuff isn't optional.

One of my main irritations with the management is that they don't notice these people, so there's no accountability for staff. I don't care what kind of organization you work for, if you have objectives that reach beyond your one lemonade stand and affect the consortium of lemonade stands, good management is in control and aware of what's going on in their personal fiefdom at all levels.

I also think evaluations should never be done by management. It should always be peer-based because it's your colleagues who know how well you really work, how you treat customers, whether or not you step up to the plate. And man, would I LOVE to evaluate some of the assholes who eat my time because they simply don't do what they're supposed to.

Boss likes has told me, more than once, that people bring their attitude to work with them. He just doesn't get that people like him, mixed with some other fuckwits, change a positive attitude quite quickly. I also don't live in a vacuum that let's me choose my mood. I need pills or alcohol to make me jolly for no reason, and to the best of my knowledge, that's frowned on at work.

Off to do my required tasks...while grumbling about the fuckwits.


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